Friday, August 20, 2010

How to deal with a wife who gets annoyed of everything I do??!!! and never say sorry!! PLEASE HELP!!?

we are just 6 month married. We married with love!but since our wedding day, my wife is just get annoyed of anything I do! she makes problems about the way I brush my teeth, the way I wear my shoes, the way I sort out problems, bla bla blaa.... now i have a hell life!! how can I deal with such person!?!?!! I hate of seriously considering about divorcing :(

She never says ';sorry'; for her stupid behaviors, mistakes... She makes me MAD!!!!!!!!!How to deal with a wife who gets annoyed of everything I do??!!! and never say sorry!! PLEASE HELP!!?
First of all, I will admit that I used to be like that but I have never been that picky as she is. I have never complain about how my husband brushes his teeth or wear his shoes, etc. I mostly complain about doing things around the house, helping me, being with me a little more.

I will tell you not to give up yet. The advice that was given to me and can apply to you is, do everything you can and suppose to do before you totally give up. Your marriage is fresh so that means things are going to be touchy to you and her. That is common and nothing to get so upset about until you just leave it all behind. Work through it and with it. Have you told her that she hurt your feelings or she naggs you a little too much? Start there. Communication is the key. That is a matter my husband and I are still working on. COMMUNICATION is one of the known causes of divorces along with other issues. If communication is going to cause an arguement, oh well. It is best to get it out instead of it staying in. Plus, you will probably feel a lot better. She deserves to treat you with respect and same goes for you. The only that point is going to be out in the open is when you bring it up. If it so easy to quit anything but it take a strong, dedicated, and determined person to stay with something until the end. I think you need to work at it a little longer because 6 months is not even close enough to know if you are done with this person or not. I have been with my husband for 4 years and it will be 5 in July. Believe me, all those years were not easy. We argued our first few months of marriage but we got through it and moved on. Now, we still have our disagreements but we move on. I was given a prayer that I want to give to you and I hope it is a guide for you and your wife. The title of it is, ';A Marriage Prayer.'; Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us. To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us. We ask for words both kind and loving and hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as forgive. Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands.

Recite that prayer everyday when you get up and hopefully, prayerfully everything will work out for the best. When you have done all you can, that's when you will know if it is time for the both of you to go your seperate ways. Lastly, whatever you do, do NOT get relatives involve in your marriage or so called friends. Work together and everything will be alright.

Best of luck to you and your wife and I hope things work out. I'm telling you all of this because I'm going through a little confusion in my marriage this week as well but it will be alright. I'm getting through it and I'm praying about it. I love my husband but sometimes he work my last nerve. Same words you said about your wife, right?How to deal with a wife who gets annoyed of everything I do??!!! and never say sorry!! PLEASE HELP!!?
This is NOT about going to counseling. She does NOT love you.

I am sorry to say this - from one man to another - she married you because she ';thought'; that having you take care of her would make her happy. But it is not working. So she secretly blames you for her unhappiness - but it isn't you it is HER. If you stay with her - if you have children with her - your life will be HELL. This is how women treat men they don't love. They abuse them.

If you tell her you want a divorce she ';might'; promise to improve, but it won't last. For whatever reason she is not able to see what a great guy you are. I bet LOTS of other women will want you and will love you back.
I think you need to ask her why she married you. It doesn't look like she is admiring and respecting those things she fell in love with you for.

I can relate because the first month or two were like that, except I was the wife :(

I felt terrible the way I was so picky to my husband, and I realized that if we both were going to enjoy the marriage I'd need to loosen up a bit!
I'm not being mean but you both sound very young and clearly not ready for marriage. Neither of you has the ability or skill to navigate these stupid little issues. She sounds like a spoiled brat and you sound like you don't have a back bone to stand up to her. She is going to walk all over you. If she can't say sorry for being rude or mean now what happens when the real problems come?
I would ask her honey I seem to be bothering you alot lately is there something that I am doing different? I don't mean to upset you but it has been stressing me out. I know it seems delicate but us woman can be pretty moody sometimes. Chances are there is a deeper issue. Like maybe adjusting to married life has been hard and she needs someone to talk to.
Try to find out why she does it. Don't think about divorce yet. My husband used not to say sorry too, n he even said that he will never use sorry n thank you words. But he changed him self n I have changed my self too. Work on your marriage. Honestly, girls might act very harsh when they are deeply hurt. Talk to her. Maybe it is some sort of protection. Don't give up :)
just talk to her. she might be stressed out. i know i get like that sometimes and it's just because i'm stressed from work and the kids.
welcome to the married life buddy.

honestly sit and talk to her if she cared she would work on it with you.

if she dont piss her off on purpose.
There always counseling. If that fails, divorce. Better an early break-up. Less painful.

bin her mate, its only going to get worse, or just stop listening to her and ignore her when she nags
Just ignore her. In fact, get sloppier.
first try counsiling then if that dose not work then get a divorce

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