Here’s the deal. My wife is turning 30. She gained some weight since we married. She’s disinterested in being intimate than she used to be. She bought more clothes to look better. She doesn’t feel like spending time with me. She bought all new underwear. She doesn’t like to hear from me during the day anymore. She doesn’t contact me at all during the day like she used to. She said she’s just “going through some stuff right now. Works stressful, she’s turning 30, she’s not feeling good about herself”. Makes me think. I haven’t caught any emails or texts from other people on her phone but my suspicions are driving me nuts. Something in my gut tells me she may not be cheating yet but someone else has definitely caught her attention. How can I tell for sure? Is there one sure fire sign or question I can ask her that would tell me if there was another dude in the picture?Is my wife cheating?
Your wife sounds depressed and is isolating herself from you because she feels unattractive because of the weight gain and her 20's are over. I had a hard time with 29, myself. Now I'm in my 40's. Women will buy new things in an attempt to make themselves feel better when they are feeling down. I still do that.
Hang in there - she'll be okay.Is my wife cheating?
Nope there isn't a perfect question to get the answer you are looking for getting.
If you truly think she is cheating then you need to talk to her about it and if she chooses to talk then great but if she chooses not to there is nothing you can do to force the issue.
If you really want to know but want to risk losing her trust you can hire a private investigator. Realize however that if she is truly just going through something and you didn't trust in her and your relationship then this may be something she can not forgive. If she is cheating or even getting ready to do so can your heart take it?
Talk to her first and voice your concerns.
Sorry man, I think she is. Do some detective work.
She may just be having a hard time dealing with the fact that she's turning 30 very soon. Apparently this bothers alot of turning 40 bothers alot of men.
Anyway, that and the fact that she has gained weight is probably the only reason for her behaviour. As for the new clothes and underwear, maybe she felt she needed to buy a larger size....
Talk to her and let her know you are very concerned and offer to see if there is anything you can do to help make her feel better.
Sometimes just a loving hug can do wonders.
Honestly asking her is the best way if you really know her you will be able to tell, my husband never asked me and I didnt tell he did catch me with him I didnt know either so we really dont need to be together anyways, It also doesnt mean that she is cheating it could just be the weight thing making her uncomfortable,and would explain everything else just tell her how you feel and be honest.
My wife and I are preparing for divorce right now. I'm sure that there is someone else involved in the picture, maybe not yet physically but there is certainly emotions involved. No great advice on this buddy and only you know her best, but I am a very firm believer that you listen to your instincts.
Oh sh it, I was just banging you wife yesterday!
Just kidding. Seriously though, your instincts are right about 90% of the time. Best way to know for sure is to discreetly hire a private eye to follow her for a weeks. Then you'll know for sure but just don't ever make the mistake of telling her what you did.....
There is no question or sign to watch for. We women are mysterious creatures, especially about weight, age, and our feelings. Women and men both need to ';feel'; loved, wanted and needed. Do you help her feel this way? Do you keep comments about extra weight out of your talk? Even jokingly?
Some women put on a few extra pounds and because of their own insecurities and ideas about no longer being sexy, will either go spend money, eat more, or avoid rejection by isolating theirselves from the men in their lives. She just needs you to communicate to her that she is the most important person in your life and that she is beautiful just like she is today. My husband had long full hair and a beard when we married, he is balding and has a spare tire (I have my faults too) but funny thing is, I don't see it. Thank God he must not see me differently either. It doesn't matter. She probably is depressed or at a stage in her life where she wonders if she is in a rut. just talk to her, give her a peck on the neck or cheek now and then, compliment her, say thank you when she brings you a know, just show some respect, as if she were your friend.
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